
Cougars on the Prowl: Two Recent Sightings Near University of Victoria! What You Need to Know!


In a gripping turn of events, the University of Victoria community is urged to stay alert following two recent cougar sightings near campus. The latest sighting was reported around 5 PM on Sunday, September 29, close to Parking Lot 1 on a path leading towards Cedar Hill Road. Just a day earlier, another possible sighting occurred at approximately 8 PM on Saturday, September 28, near Parking Lot 10 by Gordon Head Road.

As the season shifts, it’s not unusual for cougars to wander into urban areas in search of food. With their natural habitat encroached upon, these majestic yet formidable felines may venture closer to human activity, especially during twilight hours. Although cougars typically shy away from people—preferring to remain elusive—it’s essential to be cautious, particularly in wooded areas or trails during dusk and dawn when they are most active.

If you happen to encounter a cougar, experts recommend the following precautions:

1. Stay Calm:

Do not run, as this may trigger a chase response.

2. Make Yourself Look Bigger:

Raise your arms or open your jacket to appear larger.

3. Maintain Eye Contact:

Do not turn your back on the animal; keep eye contact without staring aggressively.

4. Back Away Slowly:

If the cougar has not initiated an aggressive approach, begin to back away gradually, maintaining your stance.

5. Make Noise:

Speak firmly and loudly to let the cougar know you are a human, not prey.

The University is reminding all students and staff to remain vigilant, particularly in areas known for vegetation and wildlife intersections. Cougars are sensitive to changes in their environment, and understanding their behavior can help prevent unwanted encounters.

Remember, if you spot a cougar on campus, immediately inform Campus Security by calling 250-721-7599. Your alertness can help ensure the safety of both the community and the wildlife. Stay safe out there!