
From Canada to Central Asia: The Unforgettable Journey of Zora and Dave Keffer


The Beginning of Their Journey

After eight adventurous years in the United Arab Emirates, Zora and Dave Keffer returned to Canada for the birth of their daughter. However, upon her graduation, this intrepid couple was ready to embrace the world once again. They stumbled upon a teaching opportunity in Central Asia that beckoned them away—first to Kazakhstan and later to Nukus, Uzbekistan, a city that many might overlook but has become a hidden gem for this dynamic duo.

Concerns and Realizations

Initially, their move sparked concerns about the region’s harsh living conditions and somber reputation as a former Soviet enclave. Yet, Zora, who hails from Czechoslovakia, described their experience there as an exhilarating journey filled with surprises. "We realized it was time to embrace our nomadic lifestyle after our daughter left for her path,” she reflected, adding that they found Kazakhstan's diverse geographies and cultures to be compelling. “Most people don’t realize just how vast Kazakhstan is and the number of ethnic minorities residing there,” she noted.

A Shift to Uzbekistan

The adventure didn't stop in Kazakhstan. After nearly five years, the couple accepted a teaching contract in Kuwait but found themselves stranded due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, once restrictions eased, they leaped at the chance to explore Uzbekistan, taking up positions at a school catering to gifted children. Although they weren't initially thrilled about moving to Nukus, which lacked the shiny allure of larger cities, they soon adapted and felt embraced by the warm community.

Cultural Adjustments

The cultural adjustments were hardly daunting. Zora explained that their previous experiences in Kazakhstan made the shift to Uzbekistan smoother than expected, as the country shares many cultural similarities with its neighbor. In Nukus, they found the locals to be enthusiastic about practicing their English—a delightful surprise that enriched their daily interactions. "They stop you all the time just to chat," Zora laughed. While the couple relied on Google Translate for communication, they embraced the quirks of life in this unique setting.

Vibrant Experiences

One of the most striking aspects of their new life in Uzbekistan was the vibrant experiences that filled their days. “It’s never boring here,” Zora exclaimed, despite challenges like frequent power outages during tense times. “Flexibility is key. You never know what will happen, so we learned to adapt quickly.”

Community Dynamics

While Zora and Dave enjoyed their microcosm in Nukus, they noted that the close-knit community dynamics often outweighed the more extensive expat networks found in larger cities like Tashkent. Despite the size of their new home, they cherished the community's strong bonds, with families supporting one another in ways reminiscent of a bygone era in the West.

Chronicling Their Experiences

Throughout their journey, Zora chronicled their experiences in a blog, capturing the essence of their adventures. A significant highlight was their travels to historic Silk Road cities—Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. “Visiting these places felt like stepping into a fairy tale,” she marveled, only to later recount the heart-racing experience of climbing the Islam Khodja minaret in Khiva.

Joy in Teaching and Culinary Delights

Educationally, Zora found joy in working with her students, noting, "They are delightful and disciplined, which makes teaching here a joy." Culinary experiences also dazzled her senses; she praised the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, stating, "They taste magnitudes better than what you find back home in Canada."

Financial Aspects and Home Visits

Financially, the couple found Uzbekistan affordable, but Zora acknowledged that their situation was unique due to their decent salaries. Their Canadian summer visits brought comfort but left them yearning for more immersive experiences rooted in the community.

Participation in Local Traditions

As time marched on, Zora and Dave actively participated in local traditions, such as Nowruz, the Persian New Year celebration, where boiling extensive quantities of pudding marks a communal festivity.

Challenges of Distance

Yet, amidst the charm and allure of Uzbekistan, visitors from Canada proved scarce, primarily due to the vast distance and limited vacation time. “Reconnecting with friends and family is essential for us during summers,” Zora remarked, reflecting on the balance of their lives.

Offering Wisdom

Before concluding their four-year journey in Uzbekistan, Zora had some wisdom to offer anyone eyeing a similar adventure: embrace the unpredictability, maintain a sense of humor, and remain open-minded. This philosophy has undoubtedly shaped their journey.

Looking Ahead

Now retired, the Keffers remain eager to embark on new adventures, with no plans to settle permanently back in Canada. "We love Canada, but our wanderlust remains alive and well," Zora shared with excitement. As they plan their next exploration, they embrace the thrill of the unknown—reminding us that sometimes the best experiences lie just beyond our comfort zones.