
‘I, Robot’ Director Calls Out Elon Musk for Alleged Stealing of Ideas: “Can I Have My Designs Back, Please?”


Author: Jacob

In a bold social media revelation, Elon Musk, the co-founder and CEO of Tesla, showcased revolutionary self-driving models— the cybercab and robovan—this past Thursday. During the unveiling event, the spotlight also shone on Tesla’s latest humanoid robot, Optimus, which entertained the audience by serving drinks and mingling with attendees.

However, the authenticity of Optimus's autonomy remains in question, sparking a heated debate regarding whether the robot operated independently or was remotely controlled. This uncertainty prompted a notable response from filmmaker Alex Proyas, director of the science fiction classic “I, Robot.” Proyas took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his grievances, asking Musk directly, “Hey Elon, Can I have my designs back please?”

Accompanying his message were side-by-side visuals comparing images from “I, Robot” with Tesla’s recent designs. The director highlighted striking similarities between the autonomous police robots in his 2004 film and Tesla's Optimus robot, as well as parallels between the futuristic vehicles in his movie and Musk's newly introduced cybercab and robovan.

“I, Robot,” starring Will Smith, is set in the futuristic landscape of Chicago in 2035, inspired by Isaac Asimov’s renowned 1950 short-story collection. The film’s tension revolves around a detective trying to solve a perplexing murder potentially linked to a rogue robot, Sonny, which upends the notion of the three laws of robotics governing AI behavior—namely, that no robot can harm a human being, must follow human commands unless it contradicts the first law, and must self-protect without conflicting with the other two.

Proyas’s provocative reminder raises questions about originality and innovation within the tech space, particularly given the increasing intersection between Hollywood visions of the future and real-world technological advancements. As AI and robotics continue to evolve, the implications of intellectual property and creative inspiration may become a hotbed for future clashes between artists and tech moguls.

What does this showdown between a Hollywood visionary and one of the world's leading innovators say about our rapidly changing world? In the unfolding saga of humans versus machines, how far can art influence technology, and vice versa? The stakes are high, and the conversation is just beginning! Stay tuned for updates on this captivating story!