
Shocking Revelations: Trump Allegedly Sent Secret Covid Tests to Putin! What Does This Mean for Their Relationship?


Author: Noah


In a bombshell new book titled *War*, renowned journalist Bob Woodward, famous for his role in exposing the Watergate scandal, reveals that former President Donald Trump allegedly sent Covid-19 testing machines to Russian President Vladimir Putin during the critical global shortage. The claim has been vehemently denied by Trump's campaign, branding it as ludicrous.

Secret Communications

According to excerpts from Woodward's book, which is set to be released next week, Trump is said to have maintained secret communications with Putin since his departure from the White House. A Trump aide, whose identity remains undisclosed, reportedly recounted that the two leaders may have spoken several times since Trump left office in January 2021. This information has fueled significant controversy, particularly in light of past allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Trump's Denial

In a fiery response, Trump dismissed Woodward's claims as fictional storytelling. "He's a storyteller. A bad one. And he's lost his marbles," Trump told ABC News, with his campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, adding that the book is nothing more than “trash” that belongs in the bargain bin of a discount bookstore.

Alleged Incident

The book allegedly documents an incident in which Trump was alone in his Mar-a-Lago office, making a call to Putin after reportedly expelling an aide from the room. The aide recounted that communications between Trump and Putin have occurred multiple times since Trump’s presidency ended, although the Kremlin has firmly denied these interactions.

The Covid Tests Transaction

In a particularly intriguing segment, Woodward claims that Trump discreetly sent a set of Abbott Point of Care Covid testing machines to Putin, who was worried about contracting the virus. Putin reportedly requested that Trump keep this transaction under wraps to avoid potential backlash against the former U.S. president. According to the book, Putin told Trump, “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me,” to which Trump allegedly replied, “I don’t care. Fine.”

Political Ramifications

This revelation raises pressing questions about the nature of Trump and Putin's interactions, especially as the U.S. gears up for the upcoming election. Accusations of collusion with Russia have long shadowed Trump’s presidency. However, a comprehensive investigation by the Department of Justice found no conclusive evidence of collusion or obstruction.

Broader Implications

*War* further explores the lasting impact of Trump's decisions on international conflicts and the divisive political climate in the U.S. The book presents candid reflections from current President Joe Biden, who expressed regret over appointing Merrick Garland as attorney general, particularly in light of the ongoing investigation into his son, Hunter Biden.


As this scandal unfolds just weeks before the November elections, the political ramifications could be immense. Will these revelations affect Trump's ability to rally support amid ongoing scrutiny? Stay tuned as more details emerge!