
Shocking Testimony in Victoria Spa Sexual Assault Case: Client Reveals Disturbing Encounter with Therapist


Author: William


In a harrowing testimony delivered in B.C. Supreme Court, a woman detailed her traumatic experience with a spa worker accused of sexually assaulting multiple clients during massage treatments at the Big Feet studio in Victoria. The worker, Ajesh Jacob, 38, faces ten counts of sexual assault involving ten different women over a period that lasted nearly two years, concluding on March 17, 2021.

The Disturbing Encounter

During the trial, the woman, who cannot be named due to a publication ban, recounted how she sought solace in a massage after a particularly stressful week. However, instead of the relaxation she anticipated, she was subjected to inappropriate and invasive actions that left her both shocked and terrified. She described how Jacob pulled down her underwear, exposed her buttocks, and commented inappropriately about her body, saying it 'felt real.'

‘He poked my buttocks with his fingertips and made me feel utterly uncomfortable,’ she said, expressing the disbelief and confusion she felt in that moment. Further adding to her distress, she testified that Jacob manipulated her movements to brush her hand against his genitals, an experience that left her feeling frozen with fear and unsure of how to react.

The Aftermath and Coming Forward

After the harrowing encounter, the woman reported that she wanted to speak up about Jacob's behavior but felt paralyzed. It wasn't until she discovered a social media post about similar allegations against him that she felt compelled to come forward. 'Seeing that post confirmed my worst fears,' she explained, reflecting on the collective experiences shared by other women who had faced similar assaults.

Police Investigation and Charges

Jacob was first arrested in May 2021 after the allegations began to surface, prompting Victoria police to reach out to the public for more victims to come forward. By October of the same year, the police confirmed that Jacob was facing ten sexual assault charges, revealing the disturbing pattern of behavior that had allegedly been concealed for too long.

Trial Proceedings

The trial has been marked by intense testimonies, with Jacob's defense lawyer challenging the credibility of witnesses who delayed in reporting their experiences. In the courtroom, one victim admitted that she had buried the traumatic memory until she was reminded by the revelations of other women.

'This is a painful memory that I kept hidden,' she said, illustrating the struggle many survivors face in voicing what they’ve been through.

Ongoing Proceedings and Impact

As the court continues to hear these distressing accounts, the trial is set to resume on October 21, and is expected to span another six weeks, shedding more light on these serious allegations and the impact they have had on the victims involved.


The case serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of speaking out against sexual assault and supporting those who come forward with their stories. As more women gain the courage to share their experiences, it highlights a broader conversation about consent and the safety of individuals seeking wellness services.