
Curiosity Rover's Wheels Show Severe Wear, Yet They Keep Rolling on Mars!



Imagine exploring the rugged landscapes of Mars without the luxury of a sturdy pair of shoes. That’s the reality for NASA's Curiosity rover, which has been traversing the Martian terrain since its landing in Gale Crater back in 2012. After covering an impressive distance of approximately 20 miles (32 kilometers), the rover's six wheels are now exhibiting significant wear and tear.

Recent Findings

A recent photograph snapped on September 22 by Curiosity’s Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) reveals disturbing damage to the wheels. From small dents and punctures to large tears, the rover's wheels have taken quite a beating. However, before enthusiasts start worrying, it’s worth noting that this wear and tear has been an ongoing issue. "The image shows the MAHLI view of the right-middle (RM) wheel, which remains remarkably intact despite the harsh conditions it faces," stated Ashley Stroupe, Mission Operations Engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

Challenges Faced

Curiosity's battles with the Martian landscape began as early as 2013, with signs of damage appearing shortly after its arrival. Given that Curiosity weighs one ton and rolls over sharp rocks and unpredictable surfaces, the risks to its wheels were anticipated. To monitor the situation, NASA’s team instituted regular inspections using the MAHLI, allowing them to assess and understand the ongoing deterioration.

Engineering Innovations

In an innovative response, engineers at JPL pivoted the rover’s trajectory, steering it away from treacherous areas and opting for smoother terrain to enhance the longevity of its wheels. In a bid to further protect its vital components, a software update was uploaded in 2017, introducing an advanced algorithm that adjusts the speed of each wheel. This adaptive strategy diminishes the pressure imposed by the rugged Martian stones.

Looking Ahead

Despite the ongoing wheel damage—which may seem alarming from this fresh photo—Curiosity continues to charge through the harsh Martian environment confidently. Its primary mission remains unwavering: to seek out clues that suggest Mars once harbored conditions suitable for microbial life.


The rover’s ability to adapt and endure showcases not only the resilience of its engineering but also the depth of NASA’s commitment to unraveling the mysteries of our neighboring planet. As Curiosity presses on, who knows what groundbreaking discoveries await just around the corner? Stay tuned for more updates on this pioneering journey into the unknown!