
Fearless NYU Softball Player Fights Off Attacker During Jog: A Triumph of Courage!


Author: Ling

Empowering Act of Self-Defense

In a shocking and empowering turn of events, a devoted New York University softball player refused to be a victim when a man attempted to grope her during her regular jog in Chelsea last week. The brave athlete, Alexa Very, didn't back down, instead fighting back and delivering two powerful punches that sent the assailant crashing to the ground.

The Incident

On September 19th, at around 4:30 PM, Alexa, a 19-year-old first baseman hailing from Bettendorf, Iowa, was jogging along 20th Street near Eighth Avenue, a route she has become familiar with over the past year. 'As I was crossing the street, I noticed him reach out for me, and he grabbed my chest and didn’t let go. My fight or flight kicked in,' Very recounted.

Fighting Back

Choosing to fight, she unleashed her instincts, delivering two solid punches to the middle-aged attacker, who hadn’t anticipated her fierce resolve. The thrill of self-defense reverberated within her as she reflected, 'All I could think at that moment was that I needed to do anything to stop it from going further.'

Aftermath of the Attack

Unbeknownst to her at the time, while popular country music blared in her AirPods, she managed to break her hand in the process of protecting herself. Once she escaped the confrontation, she felt the aftermath of adrenaline fading and pain settling in, leading her to call her father seeking reassurance about her decision. He reassured her, stating that there couldn’t be a better reason for her injuries, as they were a testament to her bravery.

Medical Attention

After receiving aid from an NYU trainer and subsequent medical attention, it was confirmed that she sustained two bone bruises and a hairline fracture, securing her hand in a splint as a reminder of her fight.

Emotional Fallout

However, the emotional fallout from the encounter has left Alexa shook. 'I find that I’m much more paranoid after what happened,' she admitted, expressing particular concern over seemingly normal situations, like a passerby on the sidewalk. The ordeal has caused her difficulty sleeping and heightened anxiety, with panic attacks interrupting her daily routine and even affecting her ability to attend classes.

Sharing Her Story

In an effort to cope with the trauma, she chose to document her experience on TikTok, connecting with a supportive online community. 'Holy wow. I am so glad you're safe and a certified badass,' one supportive comment read, reflecting the admiration of thousands for her bravery that day.

A Powerful Message

Alexa’s terrifying experience has transformed into a powerful message. 'I never thought something like this would happen to me,' she said, 'but if I can help one person be more aware that this could happen to them – and that it’s okay to fight back and protect yourself – then it would have been worth it.'

Ongoing Investigation

Following the attack, she filed a police report and has been in communication with the NYPD’s Special Victims Unit, remaining hopeful that justice will be served. As the investigation continues, authorities emphasize their commitment to treating such crimes with utmost seriousness.

Symbol of Resilience

Amidst the trauma, Alexa Very stands as a symbol of resilience, reminding us all that strength can surface in the most unexpected moments.