
Heartbreaking Plea: American Hostage's Wife Speaks Out on Husband's Suffering in Gaza


Aviva Siegel's Unimaginable Anguish

Aviva Siegel, a 63-year-old woman, is grappling with unimaginable anguish as she lives each day knowing her husband, 65-year-old Keith Samuel Siegel, is still trapped in the brutal grip of Hamas in Gaza. Aviva, who spent 51 harrowing days as a hostage herself, recalls the nightmare of begging for basic necessities like food and water from her captors. Her ordeal may have ended when she was released last year, but the psychological scars remain, deepened by her husband's ongoing suffering.

“It's just cruel to think that he’s in such terrible conditions for so long,” Aviva said to The Post. “What they’re going through is the cruelest thing on Earth.” This statement resonates strongly with the relentless anguish she feels, as she continues to advocate for her husband’s freedom while grappling with the trauma of her own captivity.

Keith's Kidnapping and Aviva's Advocacy

Keith, a teacher originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, was kidnapped from their home in Kibbutz Kfar Aza during a violent raid by Hamas militants. The violence in the area was some of the most horrific witnessed during the invasion, with unspeakable acts reported. Since his abduction, Aviva has devoted her life to seeking intervention from President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, desperate for action to bring her husband home.

Physical Toll on Keith

The physical toll on Keith is alarming. Aviva mentions that he lost a significant amount of weight while they were together in captivity, noting that a recent photo released by Hamas showed him in a frail state, appearing drastically aged. “He looked so thin, so pale,” she lamented. As someone who has experienced confinement herself, Aviva worries about the impact of the cramped conditions on Keith's physical and mental health. She recalls moments of nearly suffocating within the tunnels, which only heightens her fears about his current wellbeing.

Desperation Before the Anniversary of Capture

Aviva's desperation grows as the anniversary of their capture approaches. The prospect of spending another year without him is unbearable, even as her family surrounds her with support. Yet, she finds a semblance of solace in connecting with the families of the other 96 hostages still held in Gaza. These families have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest the government's inaction, seeking justice and acknowledgment of their loved ones' plights.

Frustration with Hostage Exchange Negotiations

As time drags on, Aviva grows increasingly frustrated with the stalled hostage exchange negotiations. She has had enough of waiting and intends to confront both President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu directly next time she has the opportunity. “I just can’t take it anymore,” she stated firmly. “I want to ask them how I’m supposed to manage knowing that Keith is there.”

A Heartbreaking Situation Unfolding

As the world watches, this heartbreaking situation continues to unfold, with countless families left in despair, waiting for the return of their loved ones. The urgency of the need for action has never been more critical, as time runs out for those still captured, and hope wanes with each passing day.