
NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity: Battling Wheel Damage but Still Going Strong!


Author: Wei


NASA's Mars rover, Curiosity, has been tirelessly exploring the Gale Crater since landing on the red planet in 2012. After over a decade of navigating harsh terrain filled with dust storms and jagged rocks, new images reveal some concerning wear and tear on its aluminum wheels, with several showing alarming holes. But fear not, NASA has it all under control!

Current Condition of Curiosity's Wheels

The latest images present a striking view of the rover’s wheels, with some faring worse than others. The right-middle wheel, in particular, shows a significant hole revealing the intricate mechanisms within. Ashley Stroupe, a rover engineer, noted in a mission update that although this wheel has endured harsh conditions, it’s still performing well despite the rough treatment it has received.

NASA's Response to Wheel Damage

No need for panic! NASA has been monitoring this damage closely and implemented a variety of strategies to prolong the life of Curiosity's wheels. Rover teams meticulously analyze the terrain ahead, steering clear of the most treacherous paths when possible. They’ve also devised a clever maneuver; when facing particularly tough sections, Curiosity can reverse over rough terrain to minimize stress on its wheels, further ensuring the longevity of the rover.

Regular Assessments

Regular assessments of the wheel conditions are a routine part of Curiosity’s operations. The rover takes multiple photographs and drives to capture different angles of its wheels, allowing engineers to keep a close eye on their state. According to Curiosity team member Remington Free, this thorough evaluation includes precision drives that can cover several meters over a span of hours to ensure accurate documentation of wheel health.

Technology and Design Changes

Equipped with a suite of advanced cameras, Curiosity relies on its Mars Hand Lens Imager, affixed to its robotic arm, to examine its wheels closely.

Comparing Curiosity and Perseverance

To date, Curiosity has traversed over 20 miles on Mars, yielding invaluable scientific insights. In contrast, the newer Perseverance rover, which landed in a different crater in early 2021, features an improved wheel design. Perseverance's wheels are larger, narrower, and have curved treads, differing significantly from Curiosity's traditional chevron pattern. These modifications aim to alleviate the wear and tear observed with Curiosity's wheels, and so far, Perseverance’s wheels appear to be excelling.


Despite the wear and tear, Curiosity remains undeterred in its mission. The rover continues its groundbreaking work—analyzing Martian rocks, uncovering evidence of past water on the planet, and investigating whether Mars could have supported microbial life. It’s clear that a few holes in its wheels won't stop this resilient rover from unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

Stay tuned as we monitor Curiosity's journey and the advancements of its successor, Perseverance, in the ongoing quest for knowledge about our neighboring planet!