
'One Tree Hill' Star Bethany Joy Lenz Opens Up About Escaping a Cult and Starting Over in Hollywood with Her Daughter


Author: Ling

In a revealing interview, actress Bethany Joy Lenz, known for her role as Haley James Scott on the beloved TV series "One Tree Hill," shared her harrowing journey of escaping a cult that consumed a significant portion of her life. For ten whole years, Lenz found herself ensnared in what she describes as a 'bubble,' rigidly adhering to the beliefs of a group she unconsciously joined while rising to fame on the show.

Reflecting on her experiences, Lenz stated, "I decided what I wanted to believe and, rather than being willing to look at the belief system and measure it, I adjusted everything around me to fit." This decision came at a great cost, as she emphasized that her relationships and marriage were intricately tied to the group's ideology, making leaving incredibly difficult.

Lenz is set to reveal more about her past in her upcoming memoir, "Dinner for Vampires." In her candid discussion, she explains how seeking community as a child—specifically, a space connected to a spiritual experience—led her to the Evangelical Church, where her desire to belong only intensified.

At first, her involvement with the group felt normal, revolving around weekly Bible studies. However, as the group underwent a transformation, Lenz found herself deeply entrenched in relationships, leaving her blind to the warning signs. "It looked so normal at first... but by the time it started morphing, I was too far into the relationships to really notice," she recounted.

Lenz eventually met a pastor—referred to as 'Les'—who persuaded her to relocate to Idaho and join a commune-like community known as the 'Big House,' where her life became increasingly controlled, including her finances. "I don’t know if I like the term brainwashing; I think it’s more... high control," she explained, hinting at the psychological grasp the group had over her.

After giving birth to her daughter in 2011, Lenz made the choice to break free and move back to Hollywood. "To leave a TV show after nine seasons, my friends, my marriage, and my state all at once, was incredibly challenging. It was just me and my baby in Hollywood, genuinely wondering, ‘Hire me. Anyone?’" she recalled. Despite the daunting obstacles, her will to succeed was stronger than the fear of the unknown.

Lenz admitted to experiencing numerous emotional struggles during her transition, often describing nights spent weeping on the floor in despair as she grappled with anger and injustice.

"There's no quick way through healing from trauma. I think it's a day-by-day journey, person by person, and interaction by interaction," Lenz shared. By opening up about her experiences, she hopes to resonate with others who have faced similar circumstances, especially those wrestling with shame from their pasts or those who might be teetering on the edge of joining a controlling group.

In her quest for healing, Lenz maintains that her story isn't fueled by revenge but rather a desire to share her truth: "I just wanted to tell an honest truth about what happened." As she begins to see the blessings that emerged from her ordeal, she emphasizes the importance of recognizing red flags that can indicate manipulative relationships, thereby potentially preventing someone else from falling into the same trap.

"How did this happen? I don’t know, but here I am, and I'm grateful. I feel at peace," Lenz concluded, encapsulating her journey from the depths of despair to a newfound strength.