
Shocking Allegations Against ‘Impractical Jokers’ Star Joe Gatto: Inappropriate Touching Claims Surface!


Author: Ming

Allegations Against Joe Gatto

In a disheartening revelation, a former employee has come forward with serious accusations against Joe Gatto, the star of "Impractical Jokers." The unidentified woman alleges that Gatto engaged in inappropriate behavior, including unwanted touching, during her employment.

Details of the Allegations

The woman recounted her first encounter with Gatto at a live comedy show when she was just 15. However, it wasn't until she turned 18 that she claims Gatto’s behavior transitioned to flirtatious and inappropriate interactions. Following her graduation from college, she began working for Gatto, but what was meant to be a career opportunity quickly turned into an uncomfortable experience.

During her two years of employment, she alleges that Gatto would grab her inappropriately and request back massages. These encounters reportedly included instances where he would make sexual inquiries about her personal life and even invite her to his hotel room. One particularly troubling incident occurred in an elevator on a work trip, where she claims Gatto grabbed her upper thigh, crossing a significant professional boundary.

Implications on Personal Life

Gatto, who has publicly discussed his open marriage to wife Bessy, is now being questioned about the truth of those comments. The woman, in her claims, suggests that his discussions regarding his marriage were misleading and not as straightforward as he portrayed them to be.

After parting ways with his wife in 2021 only to reconcile nearly two years later, Gatto's personal life has been under scrutiny. The accuser further alleged that Gatto would openly express jealousy regarding her boyfriend and often referred to her as “hot” in response to her social media posts.

Manipulation and Workplace Environment

When she resisted his advances, she reported that he would retaliate by being "rude" the following day, creating a climate of emotional manipulation that made her feel insecure about her job. The pressure of maintaining a positive relationship with Gatto led her to fear for her job security, as she felt compelled to keep him pleased despite his alleged inappropriate advances.

Gatto's Response

In light of these accusations, a representative for Gatto has readdressed previous allegations made against him on social media platforms like TikTok. While denying any wrongdoing, Gatto did acknowledge having made poor decisions in the past, indicating he has not always acted in ways that reflect well on him.

"I have used poor judgment and as a result have violated the trust of the people I love most," Gatto stated. "But anyone who knows me at all knows full well that I wouldn’t assault anyone."


This unfolding situation raises critical discussions around workplace conduct, boundaries, and the gray areas in professional relationships, particularly in the entertainment industry. As more voices come forward, it remains to be seen how the public and the industry will respond to these serious claims. Stay tuned for updates as the story develops!