
Shocking Investigation Launched Into Boar's Head Processing Plants Amid Deadly Listeria Outbreak!


Author: Ken Lee


In a startling development, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on Thursday that Boar's Head processing plants across the nation are now under investigation by law enforcement officials. This investigation comes in the wake of a devastating outbreak of listeria that has been linked to the company's deli meats, which have recently been recalled.

Health Crisis Overview

The serious health crisis has led to at least 59 individuals being hospitalized and 10 tragic deaths connected to a specific strain of listeria that originated from a now-closed Boar's Head facility in Virginia. The alarming circumstances have raised widespread concerns regarding food safety regulations and the oversight of meat processing plants.

History of Violations

Previous reports reveal that the Virginia facility, which has been shut down, had a troubling history of violations. Inspection records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request highlighted numerous infractions, including the presence of mold and insects throughout the plant. These alarming findings raise questions about the company’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety.

USDA's Investigation and Secrecy

The USDA’s acknowledgment of the ongoing investigation was coupled with its refusal to release further information regarding Boar's Head plants located in Michigan, Arkansas, and Indiana, citing that these records are being 'compiled for law enforcement purposes.' This secrecy has sparked a demand for transparency from consumer advocacy groups and safety regulators alike.

Legislative Response

On the same day, a bipartisan letter was sent to the USDA and the Department of Justice by Connecticut legislators, Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Rosa DeLauro. They called for an urgent consideration of criminal charges against Boar's Head, emphasizing that 'the time for action is long overdue.' The letter implores government agencies to collaborate in obtaining justice for affected consumers and to avert future incidents.

Investigation Status

As of now, it remains uncertain whether the ongoing investigation is classified as criminal or civil. The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has withheld 93 pages of documents in full, which could shed light on the gravity of the situation, citing that their release could impede the investigation's progress.


In a twist of irony, while Boar's Head is renowned for its quality meats and has built a reputation as a trusted brand, this incident raises serious questions about the oversight in the food industry. The company has chosen not to comment on the matter, stating they do not discuss legal matters.

Stay tuned for updates on this evolving story, as the repercussions could be far-reaching for Boar's Head and the safety of deli meats consumed across America. This investigation could set a precedent for stricter regulations in the food processing industry—will consumers feel secure again?