
The Hilarious Phrase That Transformed Arguments with My Husband


Author: Chun


Who knew that a silly phrase could bring peace to a household plagued by fiery tempers? As someone who inherited a hot temperament from my family, I know a thing or two about arguing. My parents were so adept at bickering during their 40-year marriage that they could have easily taken home gold medals in couples' disputes. The volume of their arguments was so high that I often wondered if we should invite the neighbors to officiate!

Struggles with Conflict Resolution

Given this upbringing, it’s no surprise that I often struggled to find peaceful resolutions during disagreements. In my younger years, I treated conflict as a dramatic exchange worthy of the big screen. I remember slamming down the phone during a fiery fight with a boyfriend, marching past the Eiffel Tower, only to have him plead for me to stop. The romance was palpable but often abrupt.

Evolving Coping Mechanisms

As I matured, my coping mechanisms evolved. In my thirties, I reluctantly discovered yoga, which helped tone down my reactions. But living with my future husband, Mike, introduced new challenges. Though I could tolerate his obsession with samurai films, his "off" way of doing things drove me mad. As a software systems analyst, I prided myself on problem-solving and efficiency, and I expected the same from him — a sure recipe for frustration.

The Nagging Realization

Despite reading articles about the dangers of nagging and its effects on marital bliss, I convinced myself I wasn’t the nagging type. However, I tended to vocalize my displeasure rather than calmly address issues. Mike, a laid-back Midwesterner, would respond to my outbursts with quiet contemplation and agreement. Our discussions often felt like shouting into a void — there was no real engagement.

A Shift in Perspective

I longed for the passionate back-and-forth of a “real” argument, but Mike just didn’t work that way. He promised to engage more, yet I found myself exasperatedly staring him down over trivial matters — like the way he folded a blanket.

Recognizing the Need for Change

Then it hit me: was this really the way I wanted to communicate with my life partner? I had to confront the harsh reality that while our relationship was not in imminent danger, my angry outbursts could steer us in that direction. Research has shown that effective communication is essential for a lasting commitment, and I risked leading us down a rocky road to resentment.

Moments of Clarity

In eight years, I’ve only seen Mike visibly angry twice. Once was over a discussion on politics, and the second when I unfairly lashed out at him. It was sobering to realize that I could evoke such feelings in someone so mild-mannered.

Avoiding a Contentious Future

I didn’t want our relationship to mirror my parents' contentious marriage or end up in divorce. I cherished the quirky moments we shared, like when I would make up silly songs about him, and I desperately wanted to avoid years of yelling.

The Birth of a Humorous Phrase

In a moment of frustration, I attempted to turn things around. Instead of lashing out, I threw my head back and shouted, “Oh my God, you suck so much!” To my surprise, it broke the tension and sent us into fits of laughter. From that day on, we rarely quarreled. Instead, we’ve adopted this phrase and its variations into our daily lives. “I’m sorry I suck so much,” or “Because I suck so much,” became our go-to lines, even on the silliest of days.

The Power of Humor in Communication

This simple acknowledgment of our imperfect selves allows us to blow off steam and have open conversations without escalating into conflict. I can safely say that this humorous tactic has transformed our dynamic. Who knew that embracing our flaws could pave the way to smoother communication and a deeper connection?


It turns out, laughter truly can be the best medicine in a relationship, leaving us more content and, dare I say, transforming me into a much more easygoing New Yorker along the way!