
The Surprising Truth About What Turns Men Off on Dates — It’s Not What You Think!


Author: Ting


In the realm of dating, many women often obsess over their appearance before a big date. I recall a friend who nearly canceled a date just because of a small blemish on her face. “What if he only sees that? Should I just make an excuse to bail?” she cried. If you relate, you’re not alone — appearance is often at the forefront of our minds when preparing for a date.

The Importance of Personality

However, focusing too much on looks could be misguided. A guy is likely attracted to you based on your appearance already; after all, he agreed to meet you! As it turns out, the key to winning a man's heart isn’t all about looking perfect — it’s about how you engage with him.

What Men Value

A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology sheds light on what men value most in a dating scenario, revealing that qualities like kindness and empathy hold far more weight than looks. What’s going on in a man’s mind during a date? He’s searching for deeper connections: Is the conversation enjoyable? Do we share interests? Does she exhibit intelligence? These questions dominate his thoughts rather than whether you looked your best that day.

Survey Insights

In a comprehensive survey I conducted with over 1,000 men regarding their dating experiences, I discovered a common theme: a negative attitude is the biggest turn-off.

Although the results were varied, the top responses highlighted some striking insights:

- 34% cited poor conversation as a major issue

- 35% were put off by what they perceived as a bad personality or attitude

- 16% expressed concerns about poor manners

- 14% specified other factors

The Role of Conversation

The crux of it is that the dialogue you share carries significant weight. Men want exchanges that flow well, similar to a tennis match — where both players are engaged and interested in each other. If a conversation falls flat or feels one-sided, it’s a red flag. Topics that skew towards ex-relationships and heavy drama or simply focusing on superficial matters like celebrity gossip are big no-nos.

Manners Matter

While we may have our stereotypes about men being uncouth, it’s interesting that “bad manners” turn out to be a common complaint. Yet, it’s not about protocol at the dining table, but rather respect. Men are often turned off by women behaving rudely to waitstaff, constantly checking their phones, or failing to express gratitude.

Disliked Personality Traits

On the subject of personality, many men mentioned they dislike traits such as being boastful, materialistic, lacking a sense of humor, or appearing less intelligent. An additional category included behaviors like becoming overly intoxicated or smoking.

Physical Attraction Issues

Interestingly enough, physical appearances that detract from attraction often revolve around oral hygiene. Bad breath and poor dental care were cited as deal-breakers — a stark reminder that while you might focus on the flawless outfit, a good toothbrush is just as critical.


Ultimately, when you step out on a date, remember that the guy likely already knows your looks, possibly from social media sneak peeks. Therefore, instead of clocking your self-esteem based on minor insecurities like a blemish, focus on showcasing your personality, humor, and engaging attitude.

Advice to my friend? I told her that canceling over a tiny imperfection would definitely turn him off more than any minor skin issue could. In the dim lighting of a restaurant, the appeal of a warm and genuine interaction trumps any fleeting worry about how you look!