
Wizards of the Coast Steps In to Save Commander After Intense Backlash and Death Threats


Author: Ling

Wizards of the Coast Takes Control

In a shocking turn of events, Wizards of the Coast has officially taken control of the Commander format for Magic: The Gathering, a move prompted by escalating tensions in the community and serious threats directed at members of the Commander Rules Committee (CRC).

“Last week has been nothing short of chaotic, with passionate opinions flying from all corners of the Commander community—some of which have turned malicious,” Wizards’ statement reads, highlighting the distressing atmosphere that has engulfed the gaming community.

The Controversy

The controversy began when the CRC announced a significant balancing update, banning four powerhouse cards—Dockside Extortionist, Jeweled Lotus, Mana Crypt, and Nadu, Winged Wisdom. This marked the first ban since 2021 and came shortly after the passing of Sheldon Menery, a founding figure in the CRC. These high-impact cards were removed due to their overwhelming ability to generate early-game advantages, skewing the balance of play in competitive environments.

The community's reaction was swift and furious, particularly regarding the high aftermarket values of these cards. However, the situation quickly deteriorated as some fans resorted to targeting individual CRC members with threats of violence. This prompted Wizards to intervene, emphasizing that no one should face harassment for their passion for the game.

Community Response and Wizards' Decisions

Jim Lapage, a CRC member, publicly expressed his devastation over the backlash, stating that while the outcome of Wizards taking over wasn’t what he desired, it might be the necessary step for ensuring safety and proper management of the format.

Moving forward, Wizards’ game design team will oversee the management and balance changes for Commander. Additionally, the company has launched a Discord community for fans to communicate about the game and announced a livestream event scheduled for October 1 to address the format's future.

New Developments in Commander

One exciting development on the horizon is Wizards’ plan to introduce a new power level descriptor for Commander decks. This innovation aims to help players better understand the competitive intensity of different decks, categorizing them into four distinct power brackets. This initiative is currently in an “open beta” phase, inviting player feedback, with lower tiers based on pre-constructed decks and casual play styles, while higher tiers are determined by particular decklists and card choices.

However, Wizards stressed that while they will review the ban list, there will be no immediate changes made to it. “For now, the safety and well-being of the Rules Committee is our top priority. The events of the past week are unacceptable,” Wizards stated.

Looking Ahead