
Dangerous Discretionary Right Turn by Mazda at Sengkang Junction Nearly Leads to Tragedy


Author: John Tan

Incident Overview

It was a harrowing evening for motorists and pedestrians alike at a busy Sengkang junction on October 11 when a Mazda, making a discretionary right turn, narrowly avoided a collision with a car and a pedestrian.

Dash Cam Footage

Dash cam footage shared by Stomper WNG captured the alarming moment at the intersection of Fernvale Link and Sengkang West Avenue around 7:15 PM. The footage reveals that the traffic light was green for the Stomper’s vehicle, clearly granting them the right of way. However, the Mazda, approaching from the opposite direction, carelessly completed its turn just as the Stomper’s vehicle was coming through.

Firsthand Account

“I encountered a reckless driver who turned right while my vehicle was approaching, forcing me to slam on the brakes,” the Stomper recounted, visibly shaken by the near miss. A nearby pedestrian, who was using the crosswalk, was also startled as the Mazda barreled past, just inches from where he stood.

Community Response

In response to the concerning incident, Stomper WNG has reported the clip to the Traffic Police, emphasizing the urgent need for increased safety measures at such junctions.

Transport Minister's Statement

Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat addressed these types of incidents on May 8 in a parliamentary reply, explaining that discretionary right turns at signalized junctions allow vehicles to turn right without the specific Red-Amber-Green (RAG) signals. “Since 2018, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has been progressively implementing RAG arrows at over 1,200 traffic junctions. They aim to reduce the number of junctions that permit these discretionary turns to less than 15 percent of all signalized intersections,” he highlighted.

Statistics on Discretionary Right Turns

Despite these proactive measures, statistics reveal a troubling trend. From 2019 to 2023, there were approximately 2,700 reported accidents at junctions utilizing discretionary right turns, with 56 of those resulting in fatalities.

Call for Action

As road safety continues to be a pressing issue, incidents like the one at Sengkang serve as a stark reminder of the potential dangers inherent in our traffic systems. In light of this unsettling event, the community is calling for stricter enforcement and a reevaluation of discretionary right turns to prevent future accidents, ensuring that no drivers or pedestrians have to endure such close calls again.


Stay safe on the roads, everyone!