
Desperate Job Seeker: Front-End Engineer Sends Over 600 Applications in a Year, But Sees No Results!


Desperate Job Seeker's Story

A front-end engineer in Singapore is facing a grim reality after being unemployed for over a year, having sent out more than 600 job applications without a single success. Sharing his story on the Reddit forum r/askSingapore, the engineer expressed feelings of being “helpless, demoralized and depressed.”

Job Hunt Struggles

He began his job hunt last October, primarily targeting software engineer roles but soon expanded his search to include project management, business analysis, and tech sales positions. Unfortunately, many of these roles required experience he simply does not have, further compounding his frustration.

“My daily routine has become monotonous: wake up, apply for jobs, and repeat. It’s disheartening to think that an entire year has passed with little to show for it,” he lamented.

Staying Proactive

To stay proactive during his job search, he enrolled in a specialist diploma course aimed at keeping his skills relevant. While he still has savings to support him, concerns about the gap in his employment history loom large. He turned to the online community, seeking advice from others who might be in a similar position, and asked for tips on maintaining mental health during these tough times.

“I try to stay positive and tell myself that this phase will eventually end, but I’m starting to wonder how much longer I can hold on. Am I destined to be unemployed forever?” he pondered.

Community Support

The Reddit community rallied around him, offering encouragement and advice. Many users shared their own experiences, advising him to consider taking part-time or side jobs to stay engaged and maintain a sense of purpose. One user suggested that while finding a permanent role is crucial, it’s also important to earn income during the search, citing stories of highly qualified individuals taking on administrative roles while waiting for better opportunities.

Others encouraged him not to limit his search to Singapore, noting that job markets are often more accessible abroad. Some highlighted countries like Japan, which actively seek IT talent, especially those with a few years of experience. They emphasized that gaining international experience could be beneficial while also relieving the burden of unemployment.

Advice from the Community

“Singapore's job market is quite small, so it’s essential to explore every avenue possible. You might find better prospects and a quicker response if you expand your search to international markets,” advised one Redditor.


The engineer’s story sheds light on the broader challenges faced by job seekers in the current economic climate, revealing the emotional toll that prolonged unemployment can take. As the tech industry continues to shift, many find themselves in similar situations, struggling to navigate a saturated job market.

With support from the community, there is hope that this front-end engineer—and many others like him—will soon find new opportunities that match their skills and aspirations.