
Former Friends Turn to Money Requests After Years of Silence — Businessman Shares His Disappointment


The Dismay of Reconnecting

Singapore: A well-meaning entrepreneur recently took to Reddit to express his dismay over old acquaintances resurfacing only to ask for financial help. After a prolonged absence from social media, the man excitedly returned to share updates about his life, including starting a new business venture. However, this seemingly innocent announcement triggered an avalanche of requests from former friends who hadn’t communicated with him in years.

The Shift in Conversations

In a post shared on r/askSingapore, he revealed that these old connections, previously silent, quickly reached out with casual greetings like, "Hey bro, you look good!" Yet, as the conversations progressed, the tone shifted, and overt requests for money began to surface.

Escalating Requests

He initially thought little of these interactions, responding to small requests of S$50 or S$80 with the kindness of helping a 'friend' in need. But what followed was a troubling pattern. The requests escalated, with sums soaring to S$300, and excuses for repayment falling flat. Disheartenedly, he noted, "When it came time for them to repay me, they often vanished or made excuses."

Attempting to Change the Dynamic

As the cycle of borrowing continued, he attempted to shift the dynamic by offering these acquaintances simple paid tasks connected to his new business. Their dismissive refusals filled him with frustration. "It became clear they weren’t interested in earning; they just wanted handouts."

Seeking Advice from the Community

Faced with the emotional strain of these persistent requests, he reached out to the Reddit community for advice on how to handle the situation. “How do I reject these requests without feeling guilty? Should I block these people who make me chase after my money?”

Empathetic Community Responses

The community responded with empathy and practical advice. Numerous Redditors suggested that cutting ties might be the best course of action. One user advised, “Just say no. Friends who only call when they need something are not real friends.” Others pointed out that the acquaintances were likely taking advantage of his good nature and that no guilt should be felt for wanting to protect oneself.

A Humorous Take

The humorous side of the discourse emerged as users jokingly suggested that he reply to these requests with outlandish stories about his own financial troubles, perhaps making the requesters reconsider their approach. “Why not say you’ve fallen on hard times and ask them for money?” one commenter joked.

A Cautionary Tale

With no easy solution in sight, this man's story serves as a cautionary tale for those who may unwittingly invite opportunism when sharing life updates. It raises questions about friendship, integrity, and the often blurred lines between helping friends and being taken advantage of.

Drawing the Line

As individuals navigate similar waters, it’s crucial to weigh the difference between fostering genuine relationships and recognizing patterns that may signal exploitation. In today’s world, drawing lines is both necessary and empowering.