
Heartbreak and Hiatus: TikTok Sensation "Not Your Grandpa's Grill" Shuts Down After Spirited 10-Month Journey


Author: Mei

The Rise and Fall of a Viral Sensation

In the ever-changing landscape of social media trends, it seems that even the most viral sensations can't outlast the hype. The couple behind the hit TikTok food stall "Not Your Grandpa's Grill" has announced their abrupt breakup and closure of the shop after just ten months of operation. The stall, which burst onto the scene through a flurry of TikTok engagement, found it difficult to sustain profitability once the initial excitement wore off.

Matthew's Reflection on Profitability

According to Matthew, the stall owner, the business was not as lucrative as anticipated. "I decided to close the stall because the profit was not really meeting my expectations," he candidly admitted. Despite the disappointing figures, he mentioned that he did manage to scrape together a small profit of approximately $10,000 to $15,000 over the nearly one-year stint.

Future Plans and Skepticism

In a twist of fate, Matthew is considering relocating his food stall to Nanyang Technological University (NTU). "I'm currently looking into setting up a stall there since it's closer to my home. However, it's still just an idea at this stage," he shared. His plans, however, face skepticism from his former partner Josie, who expressed doubts about the potential relocation taking place. "Matthew is going to serve time soon," she disclosed, hinting at a troubling past before his stint in the food business. She refrained from providing further details regarding his upcoming legal issues.

An Uncertain Future

Calls to Matthew for clarification on Josie's claims went unanswered, leaving fans and followers wondering about the future of the viral food stall and its once-beloved creators. The saga of "Not Your Grandpa's Grill" serves as a poignant reminder that fleeting fame can often come with its own set of challenges.


As the couple moves on from this chapter, many are left to ponder the fate of the food scene that briefly captured the hearts—and appetites—of TikTok users everywhere. Will Matthew emerge from adversity to continue the culinary adventure? Stay tuned as this story unfolds.