
Is the Milky Way Just a Small Piece of a Cosmic Puzzle? Discover the Shapley Concentration!


Author: Yu


Have you ever pondered where exactly we fit in the vast cosmos? Well, your cosmic address is quite astonishing: you reside on Earth, nestled in the Solar System, swirling around the Milky Way Galaxy, part of the Local Group, within the Virgo Cluster, all belonging to the Virgo Supercluster, and finally, nested in the impressive Laniakea Supercluster. But astronomers now propose that this cosmic structure might just be a minor component of an even grander scheme known as the Shapley Concentration!

What is the Shapley Concentration?

The Shapley Concentration has been described as a “basin of attraction,” a massive region in the universe that pulls galaxies and clusters toward itself, functioning as a gravitational magnet amid the cosmic web. This concentration encapsulates a wealth of galaxies and is believed to harbor the most substantial clump of matter in our local universe, incorporating both luminous matter and dark matter alike.

Galactic Movement and Research