
Is Your Life at Stake? Singaporeans Agree with Warren Buffett: Choosing the Right Partner is Key to Financial Success


Author: Ming

SINGAPORE: A spirited debate erupted on social media

after a Singaporean questioned whether fellow citizens align with billionaire investor Warren Buffett's stance that marrying the right person is arguably the most crucial decision of one’s life.

In a thought-provoking post on the r/singaporefi subreddit, the individual cited a Yahoo article highlighting Buffett's assertion that the choice of a life partner significantly influences not only personal happiness but also professional and financial success. This sentiment has struck a chord, as many Singaporeans believe that the right partner can propel both individuals toward greater achievements and stability.

To bolster his argument, the poster referred to a comprehensive article titled “Ten Important Research Findings On Marriage,” which outlines several significant benefits of a healthy marriage. Notably, married individuals tend to have better economic outcomes; men, for example, often see a productivity boost leading to salary increases ranging from 10% to 40% compared to their single peers with similar qualifications.

Personal Experiences Shared

The poster encouraged others to share personal experiences regarding how their partners impacted their lives—positively or negatively. He described the ideal partner as someone who inspires growth, provides emotional support, and engages in sustainable financial decisions. He contrasted this with the adverse effects of being with the wrong person.

The discussion quickly attracted many responses from Singaporean Reddit users expressing agreement with Buffett's claims. One contributor recounted how his wife remained steadfastly supportive when he was earning a modest S$3,000 as a tech support worker, affirming his worth beyond his salary. "Her belief in me fueled my ambition, and today I am earning significantly more, all thanks to her encouragement," he said, noting his wife’s recent retirement as a milestone.

Another moving testament came from a Redditor who shared a story about a friend who lost everything after a business failure, only to see his wife's unwavering support lead him back to financial success. “He attributes his incredible turnaround, now worth over S$5 million, to his wife's dedication,” the Redditor revealed.

The Dark Side of Mismatched Partnerships

Conversely, the thread also featured heartsick tales of how the wrong partner can derail one’s life. One woman detailed her heartbreak as her husband abandoned her and their two young children, leaving her to navigate the struggles of single motherhood, especially during the COVID pandemic. “Despite the adversities, I’ve managed to rebuild my life, while he has faced his demons,” she shared, lamenting her decision to marry him and wishing for a different father figure for her children.

Another user echoed the sentiment: “Your life can irreparably change for the worse if you marry the wrong person. It’s critical to take time to date and observe your partner’s true nature before making that leap into commitment. Adjusting too much during courtship may hide significant issues, which could later lead to devastation after marriage.”


As the debate continues, it is clear that the choice of a life partner not only shapes personal happiness but may equally influence financial outcomes. The discussions reflect a broader cultural acknowledgment of marriage's implications, urging Singaporeans to be more deliberate in their relationships.

Is finding the right partner truly the gateway to a prosperous life? In a world full of choices, it’s a question even Buffett would agree deserves serious contemplation.