
Meet the Young Chef Who is Reviving His Grandmother’s Legendary Peranakan Recipes in Serangoon!



In a world where most 23-year-olds are busy navigating the complexities of school and their first job hunts, one remarkable young man, Ernest Ang, is steering his own ship. After completing his National Service and just a brief six weeks job hunting, this engineering diploma holder decided to take on an ambitious venture: opening his very own Peranakan eatery.

The Birth of Kokoyo

Nestled in the heart of Serangoon Central, Kokoyo is a 60-seater eatery that’s captivating diners with its authentic flavors and cozy atmosphere. The name Kokoyo has a special meaning; it’s a quirky nod to how Ernest’s beloved grandmother, a key figure in his culinary journey, sweetly mispronounces the word ‘coconut.’ The eatery’s charming logo is modeled after her, illustrating the deep bond and respect he holds for her influence.

Family Recipes and Culinary Journey

The decor and design of Kokoyo reflect a warm homage to Ernest's roots, but the secret ingredient lies in the family recipes they serve. Convincing his grandmother to share her treasured dishes was no small feat. Ernest chuckles, “My grandma is very stubborn – when she says no, it’s truly a no. Even my mom doesn’t know her recipes, so it was quite a challenge!”

His love for cooking was born three years ago when he began helping his grandma in the kitchen, gradually learning the intricacies of each dish. “I kept ‘poking’ her,” he recalls, “and over time, she began to share more.” Ernest explains that in the realm of Peranakan cuisine, recipes are like family heirlooms—each household has its own variations, passed down with great care.

Challenges and Determination

With Kokoyo officially open, every dish on the menu proudly bears his grandmother’s approval, ensuring that traditional recipes remain intact while also being enjoyed by a new generation of food lovers. Although initially hesitant about his entrepreneurial endeavor—worried about the instability of the F&B industry—his grandmother has since come around, even contributing half of the S$80,000 (around US$62,000) investment needed to kickstart the business.

When asked why he chose this path despite having a diploma in Electronics, Ernest shared, "The job market was tough. I received numerous rejections, and I realized that engineering wasn’t for me. During casual talks with friends, the idea of starting my own restaurant emerged. My parents were supportive, provided I had a solid reason – they understood my passion for cooking."

The Reality of Running a Restaurant

Ernest’s determination shines through as he tackles the tough realities of the restaurant business. Each day, he arrives at Kokoyo by 7:30 AM, pouring his heart and soul into the eatery until 11 PM, managing everything from prep work to cooking. Surprisingly, he’s the sole chef—yet he has a small team of six staff helping out, including three close friends.

Despite the grueling hours, Ernest expresses no regret: “I enjoy what I do. I’m not at the stage where I feel overwhelmed—yet. Yes, being a young business owner may seem glamorous, but it’s tough work!” He admits to missing time with friends, hoping that he can balance his social life better as Kokoyo becomes more established.

Looking Ahead

Ernest estimates that, with the current customer influx, he'll break even on his investment in about ten months. For now, his focus remains on delivering quality dishes and honoring his grandmother's legacy through Kokoyo. As this dedicated young entrepreneur navigates the challenges of his newfound venture, there's no doubt that he’s adding a unique flavor to Singapore’s vibrant food scene.


Will Ernest Ang’s persistence in preserving family recipes pay off? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for certain: his story of love, tradition, and ambition is just beginning, and food enthusiasts are eager to see what’s next for Kokoyo!