
Mysterious Gigantic Holes Found at the Bottom of Lake Michigan Leave Scientists Puzzled!


Mysterious Gigantic Holes in Lake Michigan

Scientists are grappling with a puzzling discovery beneath the waters of Lake Michigan: "dozens" of gigantic holes, some measuring up to 40 feet deep. This startling phenomenon was highlighted after a recent survey conducted by experts from the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast Maritime Sanctuary (WSCMS), who were investigating the lake's rich history and shipwreck sites.

The Discovery Journey

The story began two years ago when local shipwreck hunter Brendon Baillod first stumbled upon these mysterious craters while on the lookout for a sunken freighter. His findings revealed a landscape dotted with irregularly shaped holes, with most spanning between 500 to 1,000 feet in diameter. Intrigued, Baillod collaborated with researchers from WSCMS and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory to dive deeper into this underwater mystery.

Research and Findings

In August of this year, a remotely-operated submersible was deployed to probe these holes, which are located in deeper areas of the lake that were previously uncharted. The expedition shed light on approximately 40 distinct circular formations, where marine life such as shrimp was observed thriving in these underwater depressions. According to NOAA scientist Steve Ruberg, the unearthing of "perfect little circles" contributed to the intrigue surrounding the holes.

Current Hypothesis

Currently, the leading hypothesis is that these formations may be the result of sinkhole activity, although researchers are not ready to confirm this theory without further investigation. As Russ Green, a maritime archaeologist with WSCMS, noted, "Any kind of new discovery in the Great Lakes is exciting...but these features really stand out as they weren't known before."

Future Research

The diving team is eager to continue their research and uncover the origins of these holes. "We’ll be exploring them for years to come," Green stated, hinting at a lengthy investigation that could yield further insights into the geological and ecological dynamics of Lake Michigan.


This discovery not only raises questions about the lake's past but also emphasizes the intriguing mysteries that still lie beneath the surface of our waters. With technological advancements in underwater exploration, the world of marine research promises more surprises as scientists delve into these enigmatic depths!

Stay Tuned!

Stay tuned for more updates — who knows what fascinating revelations await us in the depths of our lakes?