
Old 'Friends' Come Crawling Back for Cash! A Singaporean's Frustrating Experience



A man recently took to Reddit to express his dismay at how old acquaintances resurfaced in his life, not to rekindle friendships, but to request cash as he launched into a new business venture.

The Unexpected Turn of Events

After returning from a sabbatical, his social media updates—a mix of personal highlights and business plans—catalyzed unexpected messages from people he hadn’t heard from in years. What began as friendly "Hey, bro!" messages took a swift turn as they pivoted to financial requests—starting with modest sums of Singapore dollars, like S$50 or S$80. Initially, he complied, thinking he was merely helping out. However, the situation soon spiraled, with requests escalating to S$100 and even S$300.

Disappearing Acts

When it came time for repayment, many of these old friends conveniently disappeared or made feeble excuses. "It's just $xxx, why would I run away from you?" they would say, and even when promises were made, the cycle of borrowing returned promptly the next day, accompanied by more tales of misfortune.

An Attempt to Break the Cycle

Desperate to halt this cycle of exploitation, he offered paid work within his startup, tasks that required minimal effort but would yield genuine income. Surprisingly, these offers were met with excuses, unveiling a startling truth: these individuals preferred to ask for handouts rather than earn their keep.

Seeking Advice

Feeling trapped and unsure of how to respond, the man sought advice from Reddit. "How do I reject these requests without feeling guilty or bad? Is it wrong to block them altogether?" he pondered.

Community Support and Suggestions

In return, fellow Reddit users provided a flurry of support and practical suggestions. Many urged him to remove these acquaintances from his life, suggesting that prioritizing his mental well-being was more important than maintaining toxic relationships. "They see you as an ATM. True friends wouldn’t vanish when they don’t need anything," one advised succinctly.

Others recommended humorous retaliation, proposing he share exaggerated tales of his own financial woes to mimic their behavior. “Annoy them until they don’t want to contact you anymore!” was one playful suggestion, while another suggested a cheeky twist—“Why not ask if you could borrow from them instead?”

Establishing Boundaries

Ultimately, several users pointed out that he should assertively communicate his limits. Ignoring their requests without guilt was a clear option; after all, habitual borrowers are likely accustomed to rejection.


This situation resonates across many communities, highlighting a growing concern: navigating friendships when money becomes a factor. As people rethink their relationships amid changing life circumstances, this Singaporean man’s experience serves as a stark reminder to prioritize healthy boundaries over manipulative ties.