
Shocking Knife Attack Orchestrated by Motorcycle Theft Accomplice: Sentenced to Over Two Years in Prison


Author: Yu

**SINGAPORE** - In a chilling escalation of criminal behavior, 25-year-old Norliana Hazuliani has been sentenced to two years and two months in prison after orchestrating a brutal knife attack while she was out on bail for a previous motorcycle theft.

The incidents began in late November 2022, when Norliana acted as a lookout during the theft of a motorcycle in Clementi Avenue 1. Following a tip-off to the police, she was arrested just a month later, only to be released on bail the very next day. However, her brief taste of freedom would quickly lead to more severe consequences.

On March 27, 2023, at the Rest Bugis Hotel, Norliana found herself embroiled in a personal dispute with a 20-year-old man. This altercation escalated into an invitation for revenge, where she summoned two accomplices—B1, a 19-year-old Indonesian youth, and Mohammad Ghufran Sinarfadhli, then 23—to bring knives and confront the man she claimed was "dangerous."

The attack was swift and horrific. B1 armed with two serrated knives, and Ghufran executed the plan, slashing the man multiple times. Witnesses detailed that the assault lasted approximately five minutes, resulting in severe injuries to both the intended target and a bystander, a 19-year-old woman who was inadvertently caught in the violence.

Following the attack, the male victim managed to escape and call for help, revealing to Norliana his distress and the brutal circumstances. In a twist of fate, Norliana's phone call would lead to her arrest the same day.

Police arrived at the scene only to find the hotel room stained with blood, prompting an investigation that soon uncovered the ruthless nature of the assault. The male victim required hospitalization, suffering wounds so severe that medical professionals warned he could face permanent disabilities.

Norliana was apprehended at a separate hotel, with authorities seizing packets of suspicious substances that tested positive for methamphetamine and ketamine. Additionally, her urine samples confirmed drug use, solidifying her role in this spiral of violence.

In recent court proceedings, Norliana pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including assault and drug-related offenses. Her accomplices faced their own fates: Ghufran received an extended sentence of three years and 11 months, while B1 will undergo reformative training due to his age at the time of the crime.

These harrowing events not only highlight the spiraling cycle of crime that Norliana found herself caught in but also serve as a reminder of the dangers posed by juvenile gang behavior and the vulnerability of victims in similar circumstances. As society grapples with rising crime rates, stories like these ignite discussions around the need for preventive measures and stronger legal repercussions for offenders.

As this incident continues to echo throughout Singapore, one cannot help but wonder: what will it take to break the cycle of shocking violence and crime?