
Shocking Testimony Reveals Troubling Ties: Family Friend or Deceptive Religious Teacher?


Author: Rajesh

SINGAPORE – In a dramatic court hearing on October 9, a former massage therapist, accused of propagating a doctrine that contradicts Islamic law, was described by a witness as a family friend who spiraled into controversy.

This revelation has left many questioning the integrity of personal relationships in the face of wrongful teachings.

Witness Testimony

The witness, a 52-year-old man whose identity remains confidential due to a court-imposed gag order, detailed how his then-wife became increasingly involved with the 67-year-old accused, Mohd Razif Radi. The friendship took a troubling turn when the witness discovered a note on his wife's iPad indicating that she intended to "let go" of him to marry Razif—a shocking admission that preceded their divorce in 2017.

Allegations Against Razif

Court documentation reveals that Razif, who has never received formal recognition as an Islamic teacher under the Asatizah Recognition Scheme, allegedly propagated highly controversial beliefs. His teachings included claims that gambling could be permissible and that marriages could be established through what he termed a "spiritual marriage," a notion many Islamic authorities firmly reject.

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) highlights on its website that gambling is strictly forbidden in Islam, adding increased scrutiny to Razif's practices.

Controversial Claims

Represented by lawyer Simon Tan, Razif has gone further and asserted the ability to summon the spirit of Mbah, whom he claims to be the Prophet Muhammad or a descendant thereof, further complicating the nature of his teachings.

Initial Encounter and Escalation

The witness recounted his initial encounter with Razif in 2002, where his brother introduced them due to Razif's massage skills. What began as benign assistance—with Razif visiting their home to help with the witness's back issues—quickly turned into a source of turmoil.

Over time, the witness observed increasingly suspicious behavior, particularly noting that his wife began to attend clandestine meetings with Razif late into the night, under the guise of community service.

Personal Fallout

Things escalated dramatically when the witness discovered his wife's interest in gambling, based on predictions from Razif. "I was shocked... This was not Islamic at all. I was quite angry and did not expect this from her," he remarked, pointing towards a deeper shift in her demeanor as she became more assertive and drawn to superstitious activities.

Confrontation and Family Impact

A pivotal moment arose during a family meeting where the witness confronted his wife about her relationship with Razif. Her stark response—that he was unsupportive of her so-called "mission"—marked a turning point in their marriage. Just two years later, in September 2015, he stumbled upon her deleted notes containing Razif’s intentions of needing 13 wives and claiming she must abandon her husband.

The fallout from their relationship rippled into their family dynamics, especially concerning their daughters. The witness revealed that one child suffered from anxiety and was subjected to a controversial "bathing ritual" by Razif, under the pretense of offering a cure. Alarmingly, the daughter kept this incident secret due to her mother’s instruction, heightening the anxiety surrounding her treatment.

Reporting and Ongoing Trial

Feeling helpless, the witness reported Razif to Muis in 2015 and eventually reached out to the media, seeking further support after feeling his concerns had been dismissed by religious authorities.

The courtroom atmosphere grew tense during cross-examination, where the witness acknowledged he had never attended Razif’s classes or witnessed any deviant teachings firsthand. As the trial continues on October 10, the question remains: How deep do these ties go, and what implications might they have for those seeking genuine guidance in a world of deceptive teachings?


This case starkly illustrates the often-blurred lines between faith and manipulation, leaving many to wonder who can truly be trusted in the realm of spiritual guidance.