
Urgent Action Against Counterfeit Cancer Drugs: Mandatory QR Codes Coming Into Play!


Author: Wei


In a decisive move to combat the rising menace of counterfeit drugs, authorities in Thrissur have announced that all cancer medications available in the market will soon be classified under schedule II. This means that a unique QR code will be required on the labels of these critical medications, a recommendation that has received the green light from the Drugs Technical Advisory Committee.

The Challenge of Counterfeit Drugs

Recent reports have unveiled alarming challenges in the distribution and marketing of cancer treatment drugs. As efforts to lower drug prices intensify, the shocking revelation of counterfeit medications has also surfaced. The Drugs Control Department has ramped up interventions following the seizure of fake cancer drugs in several Northern Indian locations, shining a light on a serious public health crisis.

The Sinister Operations of Counterfeiters

The counterfeit drug trade has taken a sinister turn, with criminals repurposing old vials from previously administered injectable medications to create their fraudulent products. This not only results in substantial financial losses for patients seeking genuine treatment, but also endangers lives, prompting the urgent need for regulatory action.

New Regulations

As of August 1, 2023, it has been mandated that QR codes or barcodes must be present on the primary packaging of over 300 types of medications. This initiative aims to enhance traceability and ensure that patients receive only authentic and safe cancer treatment.

Consumer Vigilance

Consumers are encouraged to stay vigilant and report any suspicious products, as authorities work tirelessly to safeguard public health. With these new regulations, it is hoped that the risk of counterfeit cancer medications will significantly diminish, providing peace of mind to patients and their families.