
Canada Launches Major Offensive Against Illegal Workers as CBSA Conducts Sweeping Raids


Author: Sophie

In an unprecedented move, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has intensified its crackdown on illegal workers throughout the nation. Following a spate of raids and spot checks across various provinces, including Alberta, British Columbia, and Nova Scotia, Canada is making a clear statement against unauthorized employment.

Recent reports indicate a significant uptick in enforcement actions aimed at ensuring compliance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). The CBSA's proactive approach marks a stark departure from historical leniency toward immigration violations, reflecting a newfound commitment to maintaining the integrity of Canada's immigration system.

Notable Incidents Highlighting the Crackdown

Prominent immigration lawyer Raj Sharma highlighted two alarming incidents that encapsulate the seriousness of the situation. In one case, a van carrying construction workers in Alberta was stopped during a routine check, revealing workers with paint-stained hands who were employed without proper permits. Meanwhile, a disturbing trend has emerged where international visitors obtain truck-driving licenses to work illegally while on visitor visas, leading to multiple removal orders.

These incidents underscore a major shift in Canada's immigration enforcement strategies, signaling to both employers and workers that unauthorized employment will not be tolerated.

Understanding the Legal Risks of Unauthorized Work

For those engaged in unauthorized work, the risks are severe:

1. **Section 44 Reports and Removal Orders**: CBSA officers can issue Section 44 reports for individuals found working illegally, which can lead to removal orders demanding individuals leave Canada within 30 days.

2. **Exclusion Orders**: In serious cases, people may receive a 12-month exclusion order, barring re-entry to Canada for a year.

3. **Permanent Bans**: A deportation order could result in a lifetime ban unless special authorization is granted.

4. **No Refugee Claims After Removal Orders**: Once a removal order is issued, submitting a refugee claim is not an option, complicating future immigration applications.

The Growing Issue of Overstays and Unauthorized Employment

Estimates suggest that Canada is currently home to between 500,000 and 1 million undocumented workers, primarily composed of temporary visa holders who have overstayed their permits. This includes international students exceeding their work limits, temporary foreign workers past their visa expiration dates, and visitor visa holders engaged in unauthorized employment.

In response, Immigration Minister Mark Miller's strategy aims to cut the number of temporary residents by 20%, a significant shift in policy designed to balance immigration levels in Canada.

What Should You Do if You’re Working Illegally?

If you find yourself on the wrong side of Canadian immigration law, it’s crucial to take immediate action:

- **Consult an Immigration Lawyer**: Seek advice from professionals to explore options for regularizing your status.

- **Understand Your Status**: If you’ve filed for an extension while your current permit is still valid, ensure you understand your legal rights to remain and work.

- **Obtain a Departure Certificate**: If ordered to leave, secure your departure certificate to avoid complications.

- **Avoid Unfounded Refugee Claims**: Filing a refugee claim without valid grounds can jeopardize your immigration status.

A Roadmap to Legal Alternatives

Instead of risking removal, those facing challenges in Canada can take proactive steps:

- **Return and Build Credentials**: Consider returning to your home country to pursue further education that enhances your immigration prospects.

- **Learn French**: Mastering the French language can open doors via various immigration pathways.

- **Gain Relevant Work Experience**: Focus on sectors like healthcare or technology, which are in high demand.

- **Stay Updated on Immigration Changes**: Keeping abreast of policy changes can inform your future decisions.

Conclusion: Compliance is Key

As Canada’s immigration policies tighten, the recent CBSA raids serve as a stark reminder that unauthorized employment can lead to severe repercussions, including removal and deportation. Those in Canada must prioritize compliance with immigration laws.

If you’re concerned about your immigration status, now is the time to act. Seek legal counsel, explore your options for regularization, or consider returning home to enhance your future immigration opportunities.

In the end, maintaining lawful status is the only way to build a secure and prosperous future in Canada. With the right approach, individuals can navigate the complex immigration system and avoid the pitfalls of unauthorized work.