
‘Full Metal Jacket’ Star Matthew Modine Slams Trump’s Campaign Ad, Drawing Disturbing Parallels to Hitler


Author: Charlotte


Matthew Modine, best known for his role as the sardonic marine J. T. "Joker" Davis in Stanley Kubrick's acclaimed 1987 film "Full Metal Jacket," has come out swinging against former President Donald Trump, likening him to Adolf Hitler after Trump utilized footage from the anti-war film in a recent campaign advertisement promoting the U.S. military. The controversial ad, which Trump shared on social media accompanied by the provocative message, “We will not have a woke military!” has sparked a significant backlash.

Modine’s Critique

In comments made to Entertainment Weekly, Modine reflected on the historical implications of Trump's ad, drawing a parallel to the notorious Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl, who directed films such as "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia" in the 1930s. Modine argued, “These films are among the most effective propaganda ever made. Riefenstahl denied knowledge of the Holocaust, pleading ignorance with the ‘how could we have known?’ defense.” He continued, criticizing Trump for transforming Kubrick’s poignant anti-war narrative into “a perverse, homophobic, and manipulative tool of propaganda.”

Bold Comparisons

Modine didn't shy away from making bold comparisons, stating, “It is no exaggeration to see Trump’s reflection in the terrible figure that Hitler was.” He recalled Riefenstahl's later acknowledgment of her close ties to Hitler, suggesting a chilling lesson to be learned from history: “Please listen to Riefenstahl's final warning: ‘…we didn’t know how bad things were to become.’ Trump has shown us who he is and made no secret of what he intends to do.”

Controversial Footage

The campaign ad prominently features footage from one of the film's most memorable scenes, where the fearsome Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, played by R. Lee Ermey, aggressively molds recruits, including Modine's character, into obedient soldiers. Vincent D’Onofrio, who portrayed Pvt. Leonard “Gomer Pyle” Lawrence in the film, was also depicted in the same scene used by Trump's campaign, raising further concerns.

Lack of Consent

According to a representative for D’Onofrio, he was not consulted regarding the use of the footage, emphasizing a lack of consent for the Trump campaign’s interpretation of the iconic film.

Political Discourse and Representation

In striking visuals, the ad juxtaposes the harsh military discipline of Hartman with contemporary images of service members engaging in drag performances, igniting debates about military culture and identity. As tensions rise in the realm of political discourse, Modine's comments underscore the critical importance of understanding the historical ramifications of propaganda and the narratives shaped by influential figures.

Cultural Impact

This episode has stirred a widespread conversation about the ethics of using art for political messaging, prompting both fans and critics to reflect on the legacy of "Full Metal Jacket" and its appropriate representation in today's polarized landscape.