
Is Iron Deficiency Impacting Your Mood? Discover How to Combat It!



Feeling drained or emotionally low? You may think it’s just stress or lack of sleep, but there’s a surprising factor that could be dragging your spirits down: iron deficiency. New insights from experts reveal that your mood might be closely linked with your iron levels, and taking action could help restore your mental balance.

The Role of Iron in the Body

Iron is an essential mineral central to producing hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in your blood from the lungs to the rest of your body. When your iron levels are low, hemoglobin production decreases, leading to reduced oxygen supply. Dr. Meera Dossa, a Toronto-based naturopathic doctor, explains, “When iron levels drop, fatigue sets in, and that fatigue can lead to a cycle of low mood or exacerbate symptoms of depression and anxiety.”

Effects on Mood and Cognition

This connection is critical because low oxygen reaching the brain can impair cognitive function, making it difficult to regulate emotions. It often results in mental fog, trouble concentrating, and a slower thought process—all of which can contribute to feelings of frustration and sadness. Ironically, this fatigue can cause disinterest in physical activity, which is typically a natural booster of serotonin and dopamine—the brain's feel-good hormones.

Identifying the Risks of Iron Deficiency

Wondering if you're at risk? There are a variety of causes for iron deficiency. Heavy menstrual bleeding, digestive disorders like celiac disease or Crohn’s disease, and age-related factors—such as a decrease in stomach acid production—can all heighten the risk. Plus, certain medications, including long-term antacid use, can inhibit iron absorption.

Dietary Considerations

Those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets may also be vulnerable. Dr. Dossa notes that while leafy greens like spinach are often touted for their iron content, they contain oxalates which can hinder iron absorption. Heme iron from meat, which is more easily utilized by the body, is critical for maintaining optimal iron levels.

Taking Action: Testing and Supplements

To tackle potential deficiencies, Dr. Dossa recommends starting with a blood test to measure ferritin levels, which indicate the body’s iron stores. A healthcare professional can help formulate a tailored treatment plan suited to your personal health needs.

Optimizing Iron Absorption

While iron supplements may be effective, relying solely on them isn't advisable. This is because optimizing gut health can greatly enhance iron absorption. To maximize iron intake from food sources, consider timing your meals: avoid calcium-rich foods when eating iron-packed meals, as calcium can inhibit the absorption process.

Choosing the Right Supplements

When selecting iron supplements, Dr. Dossa suggests prioritizing high-quality options. Over-the-counter variants often contain ferrous sulfate, which can result in digestive distress, such as constipation and bloating. Consider asking your healthcare provider for gentler alternatives that are easier on your stomach.

Addressing Underlying Causes

It’s essential to identify and address the underlying causes of iron deficiency. For instance, if heavy menstrual bleeding is due to a hormonal imbalance, addressing that issue will be just as important as boosting iron levels. Improving digestive health can also reduce the need for long-term supplementation.

Dietary Recommendations for Iron

For dietary changes, Dossa recommends incorporating heme iron sources like beef, chicken liver, or pork liver, along with non-heme options like chickpeas, leafy greens, and pumpkin seeds. Pairing these foods with vitamin C—like a squeeze of lemon over a salad—can maximize iron absorption.


In conclusion, if you're feeling unusually fatigued or downcast, it may be more than just the winter blues. Consider getting your iron levels checked and adjust your diet to include iron-rich foods for a natural mood boost. You might just find your spark again!