
Mark Your Calendars: 15 Incredible Lunar Events to Witness in 2025!


Author: Siti

Prepare for a dazzling year in 2025 as the moon showcases a series of spectacular events that promise to thrill skywatchers and astronomy enthusiasts alike. With its biggest and brightest appearance since 2019 and intriguing interactions with planets, the moon will play a central role in a various celestial displays throughout the year.

Here’s a must-see diary of lunar events you won’t want to miss:

1. The Moon, Venus, and Saturn: January 3

Start the year by gazing southwest after sunset, where you’ll find a 17%-lit waxing crescent moon nestled close to the bright planet Venus, which will appear half-lit. Saturn will majestically hover above this celestial duo.

2. Saturn Occulted by the Moon: January 4

For those in Europe, a spectacular event awaits when the 27%-lit waxing crescent moon will occult Saturn, staying hidden for about an hour just after sunset. North America will see a beautiful close rendezvous instead.

3. Crescent Moon and Dazzling Venus: February 1

Enjoy the sight of a 15%-lit waxing crescent moon as it aligns with Venus in the western sky, creating a stunning display right after sunset. Those equipped with a small telescope will catch Venus as a 37%-lit crescent.

4. Mars Hidden by a Full Moon: January 13-14

Witness the mesmerizing opposition of Mars when it reaches its maximum brightness and size. In an extraordinary twist, the full moon will obscure Mars for over an hour, with Washington, D.C., witnessing it disappear at 9:16 PM EST and reappear at 10:31 PM EST.

5. Crescent Moon Meeting Crescent Venus: March 2

Look southwest shortly after dark to find a slender 5%-illuminated waxing crescent moon partnered with Venus, thrilling viewers with its brilliance.

6. The Blood Moon: March 13-14

Prepare for a mesmerizing total lunar eclipse, where the full Worm Moon will glide into Earth's shadow, transforming into a stunning blood moon. The tantalizing totality, where the moon takes on an orange-red hue, will last 65 minutes.

7. Stunning Sunrise Eclipse: March 29

Catch a rare treat in the northeastern U.S., eastern Canada, Europe, and northern Russia where observers can experience a breathtaking partial solar eclipse at sunrise, with Maine and Quebec potentially offering the best views.

8. Crescent Moon, Venus, and the Pleiades: June 22

As dawn approaches, gaze east to discover a beautiful scene featuring a 13%-lit waning crescent moon shimmering above bright Venus and the gorgeous Pleiades star cluster.

9. Triple Celestial Delight: July 22

Experience a magnificent sight just before sunrise with Jupiter, a 7%-lit waning crescent moon, and Venus forming a striking alignment in the eastern sky.

10. Conjunction of Moon, Venus, and Mercury: August 19-21

Enjoy three consecutive mornings of celestial beauty as the moon will glide through a lineup featuring Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury, creating spectacular views in the east.

11. Venus and Regulus Close to Crescent Moon: September 19

Experience one of the rare alignments of three celestial bodies when a 6%-lit waning crescent moon appears close to Venus, with Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, nearby.

12. Second Total Lunar Eclipse: September 7

The skies will light up again with a second total lunar eclipse, primarily observable from regions in Australia, Asia, and Europe, with totality lasting an impressive 82 minutes.

13. Partial Solar Eclipse: September 21

Prepare for another astonishing solar spectacle, as New Zealand residents have the opportunity to see up to 80% of the sun covered by the moon.

14. Closest Supermoon since 2019: November 5

Mark your calendars for the Beaver Moon, which will be the closest full moon since 2019, occurring only 221,818 miles (356,980 kilometers) from Earth. This supermoon is just one of three that will dazzle in 2025, along with the Hunter's Moon on October 7 and the Cold Moon on December 4.

15. Low-Hanging Strawberry Moon: June 10

End your lunar journey with the stunning sight of a low-hanging Strawberry Moon, brightening the night sky. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture these breathtaking moments!

With such an exciting lineup, 2025 promises to be a year to remember for moon enthusiasts. Be sure to have your cameras ready and your telescopes set up to enjoy these exceptional celestial marvels!