New Educational Resources Shed Light on MMR Vaccine Risks, Claim Physicians for Informed Consent
Author: Arjun
New Educational Resources from Physicians for Informed Consent
Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) has released a groundbreaking collection of educational documents aimed at equipping healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the general public with vital information. The focus of these materials is to facilitate a thorough comparison between the risks associated with measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and those linked to the MMR vaccine itself.
Key Features of the Documents
The newly unveiled documents pull data from reputable sources, including the National Center for Health Statistics, adding to PIC's extensive library of information regarding infectious diseases and vaccines. Among the resources provided, a comprehensive Disease Information Statement for measles, mumps, and rubella, as well as a Vaccine Risk Statement for the MMR vaccine, stand out.
Insights from Dr. Shira Miller
Dr. Shira Miller, the founder and president of PIC, noted the evolution of their research. "The Measles Disease Information Statement we published back in 2017 initially highlighted a mortality rate of 1 in 1000 reported cases and 1 in 10,000 total cases of measles. Our new data reveals that the true prevaccine mortality risk was about 1 in 90,000 total cases in children who did not face a vitamin A deficiency."
Key Findings and Statistics
Key findings from the newly released documents indicate: - Only 1 in 93,000 (0.001%) of measles cases with normal vitamin A levels led to permanent disability or death. - In the case of mumps, fatalities or permanent disabilities occurred in 1 in 66,000 (0.002%) of cases. - For rubella, the fatality rate after birth stands at about 1 in 210,000 (0.0005%).
Immunity and Vaccine Efficacy
Moreover, evidence reveals that immunity from the MMR vaccine diminishes over time. By age 15, approximately 60% of vaccinated children may become susceptible to measles infection. Studies further indicate that within 19 years, around 50% may be at risk for mumps, and over 30% may become vulnerable to rubella infections within 15 years after vaccination.
Concerns About Vaccine Safety
Critically, a review by the Cochrane Library of over 60 MMR vaccine studies highlighted significant deficiencies in the design and reporting of safety outcomes, undermining their statistical power. The Institute of Medicine, now recognized as the National Academy of Medicine, has acknowledged that the MMR vaccination may potentially lead to various neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and other long-term medical conditions, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Seizures and Other Risks
Alarmingly, seizures may occur in about 1 in 640 children following the MMR vaccination, presenting a risk five times higher than that posed by measles infections.
Provocative Claims from PIC
One of the most provocative claims made by PIC asserts that the MMR vaccine has not been proven safer than contracting measles, mumps, or rubella.
Access to Educational Materials
For those interested in deepening their understanding of these issues, PIC encourages access to their new educational materials at As vaccination debates continue to spark intense discussions globally, this collection serves as a significant resource in navigating the complexities of vaccine safety and disease risk.