
Unstoppable Spirit: Bennett's Journey Through Leukemia Triumphs Over Adversity


Author: Daniel


Bennett Stone is a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, embodying the spirit of resilience that inspires everyone around him. From scootering to soccer, and playing joyfully in the park, his zest for life is evident in every laugh and gleeful moment spent with his family. His parents, Tara and Fred, cherish those quiet evenings when they cuddle up for story time, acknowledging them as precious blessings amidst the whirlwind of parenthood.

Bennett's Health Journey Begins

Bennett's journey began with a rocky start, arriving prematurely at just 28 weeks. His family’s concerns heightened when he experienced a viral asthmatic episode just hours after celebrating his third birthday. A referral to pediatric infectious diseases specialist Dr. Amruta Padhye came after Dr. Rebekah Nevel, a pediatric pulmonologist, detected recurrent fevers during his hospital visit.

The Diagnosis

It was during one of those cherished slow nights at home that Tara noticed something unusual about Bennett's breathing. Using the online patient portal, she relayed the recording to his doctors, prompting immediate action. A CT scan revealed a mass in his chest that ultimately led to a diagnosis of acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of bone marrow cancer that severely affects the body’s immune system.

Finding Strength in Adversity

The news was devastating for the Stone family, but they found strength in their medical team. Dr. Tyler Severance, a pediatric hematologist, and his nursing team worked diligently with Bennett’s parents, ensuring they understood every step of the treatment process. “I must have asked a million questions in those first two weeks,” Fred recalled, astounded by the team’s unwavering patience and support.

The Role of Child Life Teams

Yet beyond the medical care, the Child Life team played a vital role in Bennett’s experience. When they faced the stress of a last-minute miscommunication, it was the Child Life staff who managed to calm Bennett and help him through the critical diagnostic CT scan, a moment that proved pivotal in his early detection and treatment.

Bennett's Chemotherapy Journey

Bennett's chemotherapy journey began with steroid treatments, drastically transforming his appetite and energy levels. Even during his sickest moments, he remained active and jovial, affectionately naming his IV pole “Mr. Poley.” His determination to engage with life, running around the clinic despite his circumstances, was nothing short of remarkable.

Inspiration Amidst Adversity

The inspirational nature of Bennett captivated everyone around him. “He runs nonstop, engaging and smiling as if he’s just finished a game of soccer,” said Dr. Severance. This joy and energy not only buoyed Bennett during his treatment but also encouraged his family to rise to the occasion. Tara shared, “Seeing him happy and brave shifts your perspective; it reinforces that strength in the face of adversity.”

Hope and Progress

In the months following the initiation of chemotherapy, Bennett’s condition showed remarkable improvement, with his care team observing that the leukemia had begun to lose its hold. While he still requires regular monitoring and maintenance treatments for the next two years, his progress fills his family with optimism.

Affirmations of Resilience

Tara instills nightly affirmations in Bennett, nurturing his resilience: “Every illness is just a speed bump,” she tells him, along with reminders of his innate strength and ability to tackle tough challenges. “He’s incredibly brave, and I truly believe he’s destined for great things.”


Bennett Stone's journey serves as a poignant reminder of the power of community, support, and the indomitable spirit of a child. As he continues to face challenges head-on, his story is one of hope, love, and an inspiring reminder that, even in the face of adversity, joy can prevail.