
Surprising Surge of Trump Support Among Young Canadians Revealed in Poll!


Author: Charlotte

Poll Findings Overview

In a recent poll conducted by the Environics Institute in Toronto, findings reveal a notable uptick in support for former U.S. President Donald Trump among Canadians, particularly among the younger demographic. While the majority of Canadians still favor Democratic candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris, who garners 60% preference compared to Trump's 21%, the rise in Trump’s popularity marks a significant shift since the last U.S. presidential election in 2020.

Youth Demographic Shift

The poll highlighted a remarkable change in sentiment, especially among younger Canadian men aged 18 to 34. In 2020, this group overwhelmingly preferred Joe Biden over Trump by a margin of 52% to 24%. Fast forward to the present, and Trump's support within this demographic skyrockets to 36%. This demographic is often seen as the bellwether for broader societal trends, indicating a shift in political sentiments across the border.

Support Among Conservative Canadians

Additionally, the Environics Institute's research revealed that support for Trump among Canadian Conservative Party members has increased to 44%, an 11 percentage point rise since 2020. Interestingly, among Conservative women, support for Trump stands at 36% compared to 48% among men, showcasing a gender divide within the party.

Political Polarization

In a detailed comparison, the survey indicated that while 89% of Bloc Québécois supporters favor Harris, only 7% lean towards Trump. This reveals significant political polarization, especially within party lines: the Liberal Party shows an 85% preference for Harris versus a mere 8% for Trump; the New Democratic Party (NDP) reflected similar sentiments with 82% supporting Harris and only 6% backing Trump.

Comments from Analysts

Andrew Parkin, the executive director of the Environics Institute, pointed out that the increased Trump support reflects a growing discontent among certain groups in Canada, particularly younger populations and those living west of the Ottawa River. "This isn't necessarily a sign of a massive 'Make America Great Again' movement here," he clarified, "but rather an expression of dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs."

Changing Sentiment Towards the U.S.

Further accentuating the slightly favorable view of the United States among Canadians, the poll noted that 47% of respondents hold a favorable opinion of Canada’s southern neighbor, a rise of 18 percentage points since Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Looking Ahead

As the U.S. gears up for its next presidential election in November 2024, the changing political landscape in Canada has caught the attention of many analysts and spectators. If the trend continues, could it signal a deeper connection or shift in political ideologies between the nations? Only time will tell.


Stay tuned for more updates on Canadian perspectives regarding U.S. politics!