
"Tesla non grata" – Elon Musk dosłownie "pogoniony" przez protesty w Kanadzie!


Autor: Piotr

Recent events in Canada have turned up the heat on Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk. The automaker found itself at the center of controversy after being expelled from auto shows following a series of protests labeled "Tesla Takedown" that took place over the weekend in cities like Ottawa and Vancouver. Demonstrators openly denounced Musk’s role as an advisor to former US President Donald Trump, amidst rising tensions concerning the future of Canada-US relations.

The protests were sparked by Trump’s recent rhetoric suggesting that Canada could become the 51st state of the USA, an assertion that ignited outrage among Canadians. Protesters gathered outside the Tesla showroom in Surrey, British Columbia, holding signs with slogans such as "Elon precz" (Elon away) and "Demokracja umiera w apatii" (Democracy dies in apathy).

Support for the removal of Tesla from the auto shows has gained traction. Pat McCutcheon, a participant at the Surrey protest, expressed support for the decision made by the organizers of the car shows. "People are extremely irritated with the situation involving Tesla and Elon Musk. The last thing you want is any form of vandalism or physical confrontation. So I think they made the right decision," he stated.

The situation reflects broader tensions as last week, the Canadian company British Columbia Hydro barred Tesla’s products from its electric vehicle discount program. This move is part of a strategy aimed at favoring Canadian goods amid the ongoing trade war between Canada and the USA.

McCutcheon also announced plans for another protest outside the Tesla showroom in Langley, British Columbia, scheduled for the upcoming weekend. In his statement, he asserted that "Elon Musk is using his extraordinary wealth to corrupt democracy and do whatever he wants, and citizens both in the United States, Canada, and around the world must stand against this."

The controversy surrounding Musk and Tesla highlights the escalating discontent towards foreign companies perceived as undermining local economies. As the protests continue to spread, many are watching closely to see how this will impact Tesla's presence and operations in Canada. Will Musk adapt his strategy, or is this just the beginning of a larger movement against him and the influences he wields? Stay tuned!